Varieties:       Pusa ruby, pusa Hybrid, Arka Saurabh, and Arka Abhijit.
Soils: Well drained sandy loam soil and pH 5.5 to 6.8.
Temperature: 21 to 24 degree Celsius
Rainfall: 60 to 150cm annually
Planting materials: Seeds
Cultural practices  
Land preparation: Deep soil cultivation and ploughing recommended.
Spacing: for kharif: 1.5*0.7m
Fertilizer requirement: 110g N, 40-60g P2O5 and 70to100g K2O
Planting season: Kharif (June to July) ;  Rabi (October to November)
Intercultural operations: Pruning;  Watering;  Supporting systems (Tying)


aphids Damage to youngest leaves and stems. Spray a solution of cow urine.
Thrips Presence of small black spots and causes transmission of Tomato spotted wilt. Spraying of soap solution or neem extract.
Disease symptom Management
Bacterial wilt Wilting of leaf terminals and plant get wilted in serious condition Rotation with cereal crops
Bacterial canker Leaves become yellow and dry, long brown strips on stem. Soaking seeds in 5% of Hcl.

Harvesting and yield:
Harvesting occurs in regular 7-11 intervals.
Yield should be around 25 to 30 tons per hectare.