Varieties:       NRC-2, JS 93-05, Punjab-1 and kalitur.
Soils: Well drained and fertile loam soils and pH 6 to 7.5.
Temperature: 20 to 30 degree Celsius
Rainfall: 500 to 1000mm annually
Planting materials: Seeds @ 65kgs/ha
Cultural practices  
Land preparation: Deep soil cultivation and ploughing recommended.
Spacing: for kharif: 30 to 45cm
Fertilizer requirement: 25kg of N, 40-60kg P2O5 and 40kg of K2O
Planting season: mid-June to end June.
Intercultural operations: Thinning and weeding


Hairy caterpillar Brownish yellow leaves and leaves of plant appears as net. Deep summer ploughing.
Dust chloropyriphos 1.5%
Gram pod borer Young larvae feed on chlorophyll and flower and pods. Spray chlorophyripos 1.5%D@1000ml/ha
Disease symptom Management
Anthracnose stem blight Dark irregular shaped lesions on pod and stem and pods are affected with fungus. Use mancozed@2.5g/l as spray
Alternaria leaf spot Dark irregular sunken areas with brown, necrotic spots on foliage Spray with copper fungicide 2.5 g/l

Harvesting and yield:
Shredding and yellowing of leaves indicate maturity.
Yield should be around 2000 to 2500 kg per hectare.