Varieties:       Sathgudi,Mosambi and Batavian
Soils: Sandy loam soils or alluvial soils with pH 5.5-7.5.
Temperature: 13 to 37 degree Celsius
Rainfall: up to 500mm annually
Planting materials: orange seedlings
Cultural practices  
Land preparation: Deep soil cultivation and ploughing recommended.
Spacing: for kharif: 4*3 m
Fertilizer requirement: 140g N, 110 gP2O5 and 72g K2O
Planting season: June to march
Intercultural operations: Mulching ;  Intercrop management;  Pruning


Aphids Aphids can transmit the tristeza virus/span> Regular application of organic pesticides.
Citrus psyllid Affected leaves are twisted and can see the symptoms of citrus Greening. Regular application of organic pesticides.
Disease symptom Management
Armillaria root rot Trees may decline slowly, and leaves fall due to chlorosis. Remove of affected trees and fumigation of soil.
Stubborn disease Leaves and trees become stunted, Malformation of fruits and low yield. Using of disease free budwood and removing infected plants.

Harvesting and yield:
Harvesting will be done in august to September
Yield should be around 2500 to 3000 cartons per hectare.